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Electric Cooperative's website.
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Northern Plains Electric Cooperative is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Operation Round Up
Operation Round Up is a program originally developed in 1989 by Palmetto Electric in Hilton Head Island, SC. The idea was to round electric bills up to the next highest dollar and use the funds collected for charitable purposes. For example, if your electric bill is $127.50, your bill would be rounded up to the next highest dollar and you would pay $128.00. The extra fifty cents would then be placed in a fund and distributed for charitable purposes.
Through the generosity of members, electric co-ops around the country are making big differences out of small change. They, along with Northern Plains Electric, do that through Operation Round Up, a program that gives grants to local organizations and individuals. Participating members voluntarily round up their electric bill to the next whole dollar. The donation averages 50 cents a month and raises about $37,000 each year.
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We are working to resolve all outages as quickly and effectively as possible.
Please call 800-882-2500 to report an outage or with questions concerning your outage.